
Their is many effects to taking cigarettes and it is up to you to take care of your self and these are some effects that should lead away from taking cigarettes.

  • Bad Breath you dont want to have icky breath for your whole life
  • Yellow teeth you want to keep your teeth not let them rot away that means you cant eat
  • You will feel sick all the time having coughs and colds and this means that you will feel sick forever
  • Difficulty keeping up with sports, school and playing with friends and this means no fun because you will get unfit
  • You dont want to eat and that means you cant grow big and strong
  • You will vunerable to maney life causing diseases like cancer, tumers, emphysema
  • And you will loose lots of money cigarettes are very expensive 
  • And it is not cool and you will loose your friends because they dont want to be around you because they know the dangers of smoking


And What do You Say


If you cant stop instantly
Cut, Down and Stop